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>> eventi
resilience and pain( elasticita' e dolore) EFIC-Amburgo 2011 [16/10/2011]


"The pain is not less but i have learned to dream "

Optimism induction impact on pain perception ( not catastrofism!!!!!) 

dr.ssa Peters ( Maastricht) 

Al congresso europeo sul dolore ad Amburgo ( settembre 2011)

 si e' parlato dell'importanza della resilienza ( elasticita') nella percezione del dolore cronico :

cioe' la capacita' di riprogrammare la propria vita in base alle condizioni cliniche

 di riprogettare nuovi traguardi ,  avere nuovi sogni da raggiungere ;

certamente con sano realismo

ma anche  con fiducia nelle proprie risorse

" il dolore c'e ancora ma ho imparato a sognare"







Pain. 2006 vol. 123(1-2) pp. 90-7

Psychological "resilience" and its correlates in chronic pain: findings from a national community sample.

Karoly P, Ruehlman LS

The display of effective functioning despite exposure to stressful circumstances and/or internal distress is often termed 'resilience'. The study of resilience is believed to provide information about the nature of illness adaptation that is distinct from that obtained via the analysis of clinically impaired groups. In recent years, the concept of resilience has seen only limited exploration in the chronic pain literature. This article describes a multi-step procedure that first identifies resilience among chronic pain sufferers selected from a national sample of adults and then examines a set of its psychological correlates. Using the Profile of Chronic Pain:Screen (PCP:S), administered to a national sample of adults with chronic pain, a resilient subsample was identified on the basis of high scores on a Severity scale (at least 1 SD above the mean) combined with low scores (at least 1 SD below the mean) on scales assessing Interference and Emotional Burden. An age- and gender-matched non-resilient subsample was then selected who scored high (at least one standard deviation above the mean) on Severity, Interference, and Emotional Burden. The results of a series of comparisons between the resilient and non-resilient groups revealed significant differences favoring resilient individuals in coping style, pain attitudes and beliefs, catastrophizing tendencies, positive and negative social responses to pain, and health care and medication utilization patterns. The findings provide a preliminary foundation for further research aimed at understanding the nature and causal underpinnings of resilience in persons with chronic pain.

::::::    Creato il : 16/10/2011 da Magarotto Roberto    ::::::    modificato il : 16/10/2011 da Magarotto Roberto    ::::::