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Medicina Personalizzata (Jamie Von Roenn/Asco 2011, Chicago ) [17/06/2011]

Jamie H .Von Roenn

Northwestwern University, Chicago


Personalized medicine, a comprehensive definition


 "Target molecular therapy" and  "Person and context "

Goals: cure , control, comfort

Cure and palliative care

Control and palliative care

Comfort = palliative care

Le cure si supporto e palliative   sono  inserite nel   continuum  del trattamanto del tumore

 Occorre una "comprehensive cancer care"

Palliative care  :  WHO definition approch "improve quality of life in conjunction con curative therapy"

"Palliative care always , Anticancer therapy sometimes" ( Schilsky)

 e' essenziale curare la  gestione delle problemmatiche che impattano la qualita' della vita nei   sopravviventi  :

-  questioni relative alla fertilita'

 - disturbi emotivi

 - effetti tardivi dei trattamenti

  Chi deve erogare le cure palliative?

Occorrono figure professionali esperte

  inserite nel "comprehensive cancer care"

  ( time , interest and expertise)

Von Gunten Jama 2002


JAMA. 2002 Feb 20;287(7):875-81.

Secondary and tertiary palliative care in US hospitals.



Palliative care services provide secondary and tertiary levels of palliative care, the interdisciplinary care of patients in which the goal is comfort and quality of life. Primary palliative care refers to the basic skills and competencies required of all physicians and other health care professionals. Secondary palliative care refers to the specialist clinicians and organizations that provide consultation and specialty care. Tertiary palliative care refers to the academic medical centers where specialist knowledge for the most complex cases is practiced, researched, and taught.


Temel Jco 2010 cht+ early supportive care lung cancer


N Engl J Med. 2010 Aug 19;363(8):733-42.

Early palliative care for patients with metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer.


Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA 02114, USA.



Patients with metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer have a substantial symptom burden and may receive aggressive care at the end of life. We examined the effect of introducing palliative care early after diagnosis on patient-reported outcomes and end-of-life care among ambulatory patients with newly diagnosed disease.


We randomly assigned patients with newly diagnosed metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer to receive either early palliative care integrated with standard oncologic care or standard oncologic care alone. Quality of life and mood were assessed at baseline and at 12 weeks with the use of the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Lung (FACT-L) scale and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, respectively. The primary outcome was the change in the quality of life at 12 weeks. Data on end-of-life care were collected from electronic medical records.


Of the 151 patients who underwent randomization, 27 died by 12 weeks and 107 (86% of the remaining patients) completed assessments. Patients assigned to early palliative care had a better quality of life than did patients assigned to standard care (mean score on the FACT-L scale [in which scores range from 0 to 136, with higher scores indicating better quality of life], 98.0 vs. 91.5; P=0.03). In addition, fewer patients in the palliative care group than in the standard care group had depressive symptoms (16% vs. 38%, P=0.01). Despite the fact that fewer patients in the early palliative care group than in the standard care group received aggressive end-of-life care (33% vs. 54%, P=0.05), median survival was longer among patients receiving early palliative care (11.6 months vs. 8.9 months, P=0.02).


Among patients with metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer, early palliative care led to significant improvements in both quality of life and mood. As compared with patients receiving standard care, patients receiving early palliative care had less aggressive care at the end of life but longer survival. (Funded by an American Society of Clinical Oncology Career Development Award and philanthropic gifts; number, NCT01038271.)


 C'e ancora troppo poca cura  del controllo dei sintomi

Dolore cronico trascurato , Stress pazienti e familari non affrontato: risultato  ➝ peggiore  qualita' della vita

  Ci vuole preparazione  scientifica ed esperienza professionale  ma soprattutto un po' di  ottimismo  !!!!

To accomplish great things ......  non solo avere un sogno, non solo avere un piano, ma anche avere fiducia!( di poterlo realizzare)

::::::    Creato il : 17/06/2011 da Magarotto Roberto    ::::::    modificato il : 17/06/2011 da Magarotto Roberto    ::::::