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una sera col chiaro di luna ( Nina Simone -uno spiritual per l'estate) [30/07/2010]


                Nina Simone 1933- 2003


ringraziamo Daniele  di Roma  che ci segnala una" canzone per l'estate"

e' una canzone  bellissima

 si tratta di uno spiritual  cantato dalla grande Nina  al festival di Newport nel 1960


questo e' il  il link per you tube :

 dalla   biografia  della grande cantante di folk-blues  scritta da  David Brun-Lambert:

-La sua grande amica Lorraine mori' di cancro il 12 gennaio del 1965, a 34 anni

per Nina fu un colpo terribile .

" In punto di morte chiese di vedermi - racconto' poi-  ed io andai in ospedale con un giradischi

le feci ascoltare "In the evening by moonlight " , uno spiritual pieno di speranza

la ascoltammo insieme con le lacrime agli occhi "

 ecco il testo in inglese

  In the evening by the moonlight
When my mother had finished working
We used to sit around the fire place
Till the cornbread it was done
And then we all would eat our supper
After that we'd clean the kitchen
It's the only time they ever gave us to spare
To have a little fun
Then my daddy used to take his fiddle down
That hung upon the wall
While the silvery moon was shining clear and bright
How the folks would enjoy it
They would sit all night and listen
As we used to sing in the evening by the moonlight

In the evening by the moonlight
You could hear banjos ringing
You could hear them by the moonlight
You could hear my folks all singing
How my mother she would enjoy it
She would sit all night and listen
As we sang in the evening by the moolight oh yeah

In the evening by the moonlight
You could hear folks all singing
In the evening by the moonlight
You could hear my folks all singing
How my mother she would enjoy it
She would sit all night and listen
As we sang in the evening by the moolight oh yeah

In the evening by the moonlight
You could hear banjos ringing
In the evening by the moonlight
You could hear my folks all singing
How my mother she would enjoy it
She would sit all night and listen
As we sang in the evening by the moolight oh yeah

::::::    Creato il : 30/07/2010 da Magarotto Roberto    ::::::    modificato il : 30/07/2010 da Magarotto Roberto    ::::::